Benjamin Heinzerling
Benjamin Heinzerling
Monotonic Representation of Numeric Attributes in Language Models
ACORN: Aspect-wise Commonsense Reasoning Explanation Evaluation
The Curse of Popularity: Popular Entities have Catastrophic Side Effects when Deleting Knowledge from Language Models
Test-time Augmentation for Factual Probing
Can LMs Store and Retrieve 1-to-N Relational Knowledge?
Prompting for explanations improves Adversarial NLI. Is this true? Yes it is true because it weakens superficial cues
BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model
Examining the effect of whitening on static and contextualized word embeddings
Cross-stitching Text and Knowledge Graph Encoders for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
Tracing and Manipulating intermediate values in Neural Math Problem Solvers
COPA-SSE: Semi-structured Explanations for Commonsense Reasoning
Language Models as Knowledge Bases: On Entity Representations, Storage Capacity, and Paraphrased Queries
Learning to Learn to be Right for the Right Reasons
NLP's Clever Hans Moment has Arrived
On the Importance of Subword Information for Morphological Tasks in Truly Low-Resource Languages
When Choosing Plausible Alternatives, Clever Hans can be Clever
Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Hyperbolic Space
NLP's Clever Hans Moment has Arrived
Sequence Tagging with Contextual and Non-Contextual Subword Representations: A Multilingual Evaluation
BPEmb: Tokenization-free Pre-trained Subword Embeddings in 275 Languages
Revisiting Selectional Preferences for Coreference Resolution
Trust, but Verify! Better Entity Linking through Automatic Verification
Visual Error Analysis for Entity Linking
HITS at TAC KBP 2015: Entity discovery and linking, and event nugget detection
HITS' Monolingual and Cross-lingual Entity Linking System at TAC 2014
HITS' Monolingual and Cross-lingual Entity Linking System at TAC 2013